About Chair Yoga Online

Bringing yoga, movement, and breath to chairs exactly where you are … and on the go!


Let master Chair Yoga teachers lead you in short, yet powerful Chair Yoga Online movements.

Waiting at an airport terminal, a train station, a bus stop, a ferry terminal, really so many places... we spend waiting, we spend sitting. 

Let us wait these few minutes and do mindful movements to help invigorate the body, mind, and spirit.

All ages and all abilities will benefit from movement with Chair Yoga Online sequences.


About Celeste

Celeste has lost count of the number of years she has been teaching (over 35 years and not quite 40 years). She started first as a school teacher in the land of her birth, South Africa.. Her love of the Sea and the spectacular landscape of the Cape, and physicality of Africa, left such a deep impression, that the language of Nature continues to inform her teaching. Living on a Farm on the West Coast of Canada breathes life into her, inspires her, and keeps her humble.

Celeste has studied various forms of Yoga, with many well known Yoga Masters, but is particularly drawn to the Therapeutic aspect. She dives deep into Yoga Nidra and Restorative Yoga and loves to assist folks pre-and-post surgery, either in Private Sessions or in her well-loved Chair Yoga Classes. Mixed Level classes are always fun, comprehensive and do-able, as she believes Yoga Asanas are more accessible than we realize.


About Amy

Amy’s certifications include: 200 hour Vinyasa training at Fernwood Yoga Den; 500 hour Moksha/Modo Yoga training; Advanced Vinyasa training with Natalie Rousseau; Trauma Sensitive Yoga; Yin Yoga;  Acro Yoga; and Children's Yoga.

Amy piloted a Yoga in the Classroom initiative on Saltspring and continued this offering through Moksha/Modo Yoga Victoria in 2018. She is the founder of Spirit of Adventure Yoga and Education, which brings yoga out into the natural world.

Amy weaves joy and creativity into the practice and her students are invited to do the same. Amy is a mother, and often co-creates family, youth and all-level classes with her 11 year old daughter Mayana. She believes yoga and self awareness inquiry practices can happen through all sorts of styles of yoga, and that each simply points us to a deeper awareness of self and the joy of living life to the fullest!

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About Howie

Ever since I was young, movement and challenging my body have been a way of life for me. From gymnastics to martial arts, I found a challenge to test my focus, strength, and athletic ability. It was while I was training for my black belt 2nd degree in Tae Kwon Do when a friend invited me to a yoga class. It was with Bryan Kest, in Santa Monica, the creator of Power Yoga. I was amazed and challenged like never before in my life!

I began to discover a renewed joy and passion! Wow, a moving meditation, letting go of my ego, reducing the noise in my head, and listening to my body more, all in one simple yet profound movement with the breath. I stopped my martial arts training and dove all-in to my yoga practice. After 15 years of practice, I took my first 200 hour RYT (registered yoga training) in Hatha Yoga, and then another 300 hour RYT in restorative yoga and began teaching 8 years ago.

I love sharing my passion of yoga and know whatever inspiration students find in my class or any other yoga class they take, comes from within their own desires and their own passions and their own abilities. Any teacher is simply a guide to each yogi’s path! I am so grateful for all my teachers who guided me. I look forward to also guiding every student who finds their way to my classes and I’m grateful for the passion and inspiration they show me as well! Namaste, Howie

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Safely increase mobility, energy, circulation, breath, and fun, while decreasing any stress or anxiety. 

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Take 5 minutes or more to feel the difference Chair Yoga can do for your life.


Take a seat … and come alive!

Our tailored online streaming videos are available by monthly or annual subscriptions, with new videos added each month.